Project Description
We design, manufacture and install modular library buildings, like this completed 3-bay modular library building for a primary school in Northampton.
3 Bay Modular Library Building Designed For The School – Disruption-Free Construction
Our Brief
We completed a 3-bay modular library building for a primary school in Northampton; they required a new building for their library expansion, storage, and group activity or office space. The new building was to be situated and designed to reduce the impact on the neighbouring residential properties, maintain close access to the existing school building, and use the existing greenspace, which cannot be used as formal playing fields. The modular building was required to provide the school with much-needed library accommodation, storage facilities, and a quiet group activity space/meeting room. The site for the new building is at the rear of the school, beside the playground and fields, so the building would not be visible from the main road. Therefore, to increase privacy and minimise disruptive views, we designed the modular library building with main windows facing the playing field rather than the playground, which also has housing overlooking it to the rear.
Within the Northamptonshire County Council district, the application site is in Northampton for a school comprising several interconnected buildings of varying heights and functions. The existing school site benefits from large areas of outdoor space. However, the proposal does not impact any hard-standing spaces or marked-out green play spaces.
All Saints CEVA Primary School occupies a large site in Kingsthorpe, Northampton. The current library was too small and a grant from Peterborough Diocese was successful in 2020 to convert an interior courtyard. Due to rising costs the project was unfeasible and a modular solution was considered.
– The Client, Primary School Wellingborough, Northampton
If you are considering a modular construction project, understand more about modular construction planning permissions here.
8-Week Build Process For New Modular Library Building
From site setup to handover, this modular library construction took 8 weeks.
The building has been designed to complement the existing school site and extend its current facilities. The proposal’s scale has been designed to fit in with the current single-storey flat-roof buildings surrounding it. The visual impact of the proposal was considered, and the building was located/positioned to minimize/mitigate this impact whilst offering a convenient and much-needed extension to key facilities.
Modular Library Building In The Midlands

Modular Library Building: Disruption-Free Construction For Schools
All Saints CEVA Primary School occupies a large site in Kingsthorpe, Northampton. The current library was too small and a grant from Peterborough Diocese was successful in 2020 to convert an interior courtyard. Due to rising costs the project was unfeasible and a modular solution was considered.
MPH were appointed as contractors and worked with the school to ensure the library would be craned in during half term.
The library was to be situated on a grass area adjoining the playground, the playground is used at the start and end of the day for parental parking and is consequently very busy with cars and children. The children also used the playground throughout the day.
We had no disruption from the building works, safeguarding was a priority; the team were very professional and considerate, so much we hardly noticed them. Communication was informed and timely.
The building was delivered ahead of schedule and we are exceptionally pleased with the high quality of or new library.
Images Of Modular Library Building In Northampton
Enquire About Temporary Or Modular Library Buildings In The UK
We specialize in creating and delivering tailor-made modular library buildings, whether temporary or permanent units, that are ready to use. Our team has extensive experience in designing structures for educational institutes and we can work together with your facilities, grounds, and staff to overcome any challenges that may arise during installation. Our bespoke design and manufacturing process ensures that we can build on any site. Discover more about modular construction here.
Alternatively, if you are ready to begin your project, get in touch to discuss your project.