Company News

September 2023

The Solution To RAAC Concrete Crisis Classrooms

2023-11-22T10:28:26+00:00September 6th, 2023|Categories: Company News, Education Services, Prefabricated Buildings|

The RAAC concrete crisis has affected classrooms and public sector buildings across England, demanding rapid-response, sustainable safe building replacements. Modular construction and temporary buildings are the solution.

August 2023

Hollywood Strike Hits Huddersfield – Buildings For Film Sets

2024-08-15T11:27:35+01:00August 7th, 2023|Categories: Company News, Prefabricated Buildings|

As suppliers of temporary buildings for UK film sets, we have seen the Hollywood strikes hit Huddersfield and our prefabricated film set buildings are left in pieces.

October 2021

How To Install A Modular Building

2023-11-22T10:35:33+00:00October 13th, 2021|Categories: Case Studies, Company News, Education Services, Modular Buildings, Prefabricated Buildings|

Here's how to install a modular building. See a day in the life of our installations team, how we installed a new multi-use modular classroom at a school in Peterborough.

February 2013

The day our new classroom arrived!

2017-05-05T12:03:42+01:00February 8th, 2013|Categories: Company News, Completed Projects|

We recently completed a modular design and build project for Kilby St Mary’s School. On the day of installation there was a great buzz of anticipation as, from the safety of the existing school, the young children excitedly watched the building being delivered and lifted into position. So delighted were they with their new modular [...]

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